Found the Pool leak

I was getting a little nervous. Leaks, like anomalies in program execution never “go away”. We had not lost any water in the pool from when I opened it until last Sunday. I was getting nervous because as it gets closer to pool closing time, I knew that if I closed it without finding the cause of last year’s water loss, it would happen again. Last Sunday evening the Aylaians came over for a swim and the girls did a lot of diving (and churning up the water). Sure enough, starting Monday morning, we were losing more than an inch a day. It has been hot and very humid so it was not evaporation loss. Finally Thursday morning early (about 6) I was letting the cat out and decided to go look because the level was so low. As I just walked around the edge, I saw the slit. It was about 1″ long and when I rubbed it with the brush, I got sand plumes. I got the patch on as soon as I got back from VBS. Water loss has stopped.
(A few of the pics have the patched slit circled. )

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